Wednesday, October 24, 2007

cavemen funny. ook! ook!

i know you are not watching this show, but it is pretty funny and fills in that 30 minutes before 'biggest loser' comes on. this week was especially funny with nick substitute teaching at a high school whose mascot is the savage, and it's a caveman. here is nick having a confrontation with grokgrok. he did say he liked a woman with a brow you could set a champagne flute on. takes the term apeknobs to a whole new level. tink, i know you're probably going wild, but try to control yourself. this particular caveman is actually better looking as a caveman than without his prosthetics. hard to believe? have a look-see...

caveman nick

sapien nick

scary. maybe someone shouldn't have evolved.


Anonymous said...

ohhhhhhhhhhhh, I thought you meant the dumb brother was better looking as a c'man than a smoothie [oh wait, those are women]. I don't know, he's pretty ugly both ways, but a little better as a sape. but that's just my opinion. i can't believe that other team didn't vote neil out on loser... sickening, but boy, the aftermath, he's gonna wish he got voted out. and that other guy did pretty good being at home. not bad at all.

Unknown said...

yeah, wait till the finale.

Anonymous said...

ugga ugga. me hate cavemen. first show so crap, stopped dvr-ing. ogga sucka booga.

Unknown said...

this week's was actually funny in some scenes. still not done watching it.