there are at least 30 pride & prejudice inspired sequels, series and even 'mr. & mrs. darcy mysteries'? saturday i picked up 'mr. darcy's diary' - his side of the story - and 'mr. darcy presents his bride'. both of which were rated at 4 1/2 out of five stars by b&n online customers. lucky for me since several 'sequels' were not rated very high. imagine trying to write such a book and someone comments: 'jane austen would hate this book...'. scary.
this weekend is the 'girls' sleep over'. my avatar is always ready before i am.
she's probably reading away some JA book, while the rest of the world lives in the real world... hmmm... not that i can talk, i read while walking the dog and doing dishes. huh.
haha maybe you can add the next addition to the life of Mr and Mrs Darcy
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