Friday, January 29, 2010

joan of arcadia

so, syfy (formerly the sci-fi network) has intermittently aired 4 - 5 hour blocks of 'joan of arcadia'. for whatever reason, i got totally involved. i never watched it when it originally aired (blame myself for its cancellation). after watching the bulk of the entire 2 seasons, i watched episode 47. it was leading up to a big good vs. evil confrontation between joan and (hottie 'prisonbreak' and 'tudors' star) wentworth miller. then the episode ended. as did the season. and the series. now i'm hacked off at cbs for not giving us a fitting end to a great show. we're left with more questions than answers (a la 'lost') at the end.
boo, cbs!!!

ps, did i mention that mike newton (twilight) plays joan's younger brother?
pps, did i mention that i met chris marquette from the show?


mom said...

yeah, i hate it when that happens.... so there.

Tricia Bagley said...

I LOVE you're shirt!

オテモヤン said...
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