Friday, September 18, 2009

getting tired of your boring wardrobe?

dye it!
i have a brown dress that had a white, leafy design. i wanted a new dress, but spent my money on other things. i bought some pink dye for $2, and now my dress is brown and pink. cute!
i got a salmon-colored jean jacket at target on clearance for $7. not my favorite color. a box of wine dye and viola! great jean jacket in a rich claret color.
got some items from goodwill? dye them. they're all yours, now.
don't be afraid of dyeing. it just takes a washer and 1 cup of salt. results are very consistent, unless you're going from 1 light color to another. remember your color wheel. colors across from each other will not combine well. light green to light pink equals a muddy brownish color. go for something much darker. it's fun to peek in the washer and see your 'new' items in a fun color.
and buying those clearance items that look good on you, but aren't necessarily the right color is no longer an issue.
dye it!


mom said...

you are QUEEN of change and innovation!

Amy said...

will the dye linger in the washer for the next load of clothes or will it go away and not ruin the next load? i'm afraid of dye-ing!!!

revamped*midge said...

Oh I am so glad you dyed the salmon salad surprise jean jacket and that dress is Muy awesome!! You are the queen of dyeing and improvising!! If you are the queen can I be the duchess of something?? :)

Unknown said...

Amy, run a rinse cycle through your machine after dyeing and there should be no residual dye. i don't always do that, and i've never noticed anything amiss in the next load of laundry.