Friday, May 2, 2008

okay, i did it...

i had to. it's one of those pop culture things. i watched juno. aside from the disturbing thought of teenage pregnancy and the 'young people's use of language'. i actually enjoyed it. for the first time, i was a little repulsed by jason bateman and felt sorry for an ocd jennifer garner. what was missing (thankfully) was all that teen movie garbage that is always thrown in there. abortion was only mentioned in the first few minutes of the film and not broached again. i'm not endorsing this movie, but overall...

i liked it.


Shannon said...

I still totally want to see Juno. And I would definitely hit up the reunion tour. Hmm, what else, Oh yeah, Paula was ridiculous and I solely voted for David Cooke too. Ok the end

Unknown said...

i bought the soundtrack from itunes. love it, except for one song, but i can just delete it! fun!

Unknown said...

Oh. BTW. Going to Scranton tomorrow on a business trip. Eating lunch at Alfredo's Pizza Cafe. They say Pizza by Alfredo is a myth. We shall see.

Anonymous said...

ok, i'm tired of looking at a pregnant teenager every day. can you write something else? thank you, love mom

Anonymous said...

yeah i'm pretty bored too. and i think i want to see juno but i'm still undecided.

Anonymous said...

personally, some language aside, i thought Juno was good. I liked the ending and thought Juno and her family were hilarious. I thought the overall message was o.k. considering what's usually put out there today. It's not like I'm telling all my friends to watch it but . . .