Wednesday, March 4, 2009

okay, sorry for the silence

i've just been really busy. i don't know what with, but...
we've lost two of our little family. within 2 weeks, we lost our little blue-tailed skink, and decided to let go our ailing green anole, bindy. she hasn't been doing well the last week or so. as a result, we have 3 new babies: oreo, butterscotch, and rainy.
goodbye, bindy!
oh, and here is dot's easter dress.
are kids growing up faster now, or is it just me?


Anonymous said...

omg the babies are adorable!! i like oreo best. poor bindy, rest in peace... she's kind of reminiscent of ashley kate olson, and her skeletel self. Joey is quite the lady killer, heh heh heh... and that dress, mon dieu, that dress!!! i love it. it will make a great apron after she grows out of it. great to have you back writing again.

Shannon said...

The dress is beautiful. haha I love that J. got into the mustaches and decided to put one on...too hilarious!

CeltCHiC said...

what a 'stache! I guess he IS too young to try to shave...